Englisch | The “Writing”-part of the Abitur in classes 12 and 13: Material Based Writing I
12. Mai 2022 @ 17:30 - 18:30
Liebe Schülerinnen, liebe Schüler,
um Sie bei der Vorbereitung auf die Abschlussprüfungen zu unterstützen, bieten wir Ihnen eine kostenfreie Online-Abiturvorbereitung im Fach Englisch am Donnerstag, den 12.05 um 17:30 Uhr an.

This free Webinar focuses on material-based writing (MBW), which earns half the credits in the Abitur of class 12 and two fifths in class 13. We will concentrate on preparatory work, on understanding the tasks, on principles how to deal with the material provided, and on ideas how to successfully structure the argumentation, including a glance at time-management.
As regards practice, we will discuss an MBW dealing with the Covid-19-lockdown. For preparation it would be beneficial for all participants, to already assess one of the materials, under the link “http://tiny.cc/w02ruz“. All task-related material will also be presented throughout the Webinar.
Die Leitung des Webkurses hat Herr Dr. Streit. Die Moderation übernimmt Herr Buff.