Englisch | Effective use of the monolingual dictionary for reading comprehension tasks
15. Mai 2023 @ 17:30 - 18:30
Liebe Schülerinnen, liebe Schüler,
um Sie bei der Vorbereitung auf die Abschlussprüfungen zu unterstützen, bieten wir Ihnen eine kostenfreie Online-Abiturvorbereitung im Fach Englisch am Montag, den 15.05 um 16:00 Uhr an.

Many students struggle when it comes to using their monolingual dictionaries in English exams effectively. This often results in students either using their dictionaries too frequently, losing precious time, or not using them at all.
This free webinar tries to alleviate this issue. It focuses on the effective use of the monolingual dictionary for reading comprehension tasks.
Initially, we will give a short overview of how a dictionary is structured, what information can be found in a dictionary, and how to quickly find words and expressions.
Afterwards, a general strategy for dealing with reading comprehension tasks will be outlined. We will explain in which cases it is wise to use the dictionary, and in which cases it might be better not to use it.
In the end, some practical examples and specific use cases will be presented.
For this webinar, we will use the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English | LDOCE. However, the webinar is targeted at all students, no matter what monolingual dictionary they use.
Die Leitung des Webkurses hat Herr Holdenried. Die Moderation übernimmt Herr Dr. Streit.