25 | English | The “Writing”-part of the Abitur in classes 12 and 13: Material Based Writing 2
12. Mai @ 17:30 - 18:30
Liebe Schülerinnen, liebe Schüler,
um Sie bei der Vorbereitung auf die Abschlussprüfungen zu unterstützen, bieten wir Ihnen eine kostenfreie Online-Abiturvorbereitung im Fach Englisch am Montag, den 12.05 um 16:00 Uhr an.

This webinar presents deeper insight into the task material-based writing (MBW), which earns half the credits in the Abitur of class 12 and two fifths in class 13. After a brief overview of the task, there will be a particular emphasis on hints how students can avoid typical errors and on how they can improve their writing performance. Having attended the previous webinar on MBW (I) is not vital, but can be useful, especially for students of class 13.
As regards practice, we will discuss an MBW dealing with the way people – and in particular youths – access information online. For preparation it would be beneficial for all participants to already consider two of the materials, 1st the quotation provided below, and 2nd the cartoon under the link given. All task-related material will also be presented throughout the webinar.
After the webinar a sample solution will be made available.
Source 1:
“We’ve created a world in which anytime two people connect online it’s financed by a third person who believes they can manipulate the first two.”
(Jaron Lanier, VR pioneer, computer guru.)Ibarra, Nicholas. “Tech pioneer Jaron Lanier: Social media is destroying Democracy.” Santa Cruz Sentinel. Oct. 31st, 2018.
Source 2:
URL: https://tinyurl.com/yav5qm6s; Cartoon; Hafeez, Kaamran. „I do think twice.“ Cartoonstock.com. Dec. 5th, 2018.
Die Leitung des Webinars hat Herr Dr. Streit. Die Moderation übernimmt Herr Holdenried.